MAITUM, Sarangani (March 5, 2008) – Thousands of fruit bats (Golden Crown Flying Fox and Giant Flying Foxes aka Pteropus vampyrus) are seen Tuesday (Mar. 4) in barangay Ticulab which is only some 15 kilometers from downtown Maitum. It takes an hour's trek from Ticulab to the bats' new habitat where nesting bats appear like clumps of leaves. The world's largest bat, it can attain a wing-span of over 6 ft. and weigh well over 2.5 lbs. Other flora and fauna found in Ticulab are wild orchids, kalaw (horn bill), eagles and other wildlife. Villagers recount instances when a Philippine Eagle went to the area to hunt for bats. These endangered bats were previously found in barangay Pinol. (Photo by Afren de Guzman/MAITUM INFORMATION OFFICE)
WoW Maitum!paradise of sarangani!shin_damaru
i love Maitum so much,i wish i could go back there someday!...visit maitum @ have fun,GOD BLESS MAITUM!
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