Thursday, October 9, 2008

MILF Commander surrenders

DATU DANI, Kiamba, Sarangani (October 9, 2008) – Commander Rico Watamama (seated) of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front talks to MajorRolando Rodil and Kiamba Mayor Rom Falgui (left) in sitio Puago,barangay Datu Dani upon his surrender Wednesday, October 8. Watamamaand MILF member Nasser Bansil, both wounded and whose group was tagged in the burning of barangay hall, day-care center and three othergovernment buildings in nearby Gasi village, surrendered aftersustaining gunshot wounds during Tuesday's series of encounters withArmy troops. While scouring the encounter area, troops recovered a bag with improvised explosive device (IED) components weighing 13 kilos.(Photo by Allan de Lima/KIAMBA NEWS & INFORMATION CENTER)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wounded in action.. pag rebelde ang wia, nasa suit room at gobyerno ang magbabayad ng bill! pag sundalo o pulis, sa ward lang ang room kasi walang pambayad!